At Christopher Lake, we saw lots of ducks and loons. One of the ducks that we saw was called a Merganser with some babies on her back, just swimming along. Then while me and my cousin were tubing, my dad saw two loons so we had to stop so he could take a picture. After tubing, my Grandpa took Kate and her friend along to go fishing, but me and my cousin weren't allowed to go because there wasn't enough room for everyone. We got bored so we decided to canoe over to the boat to see what they were doing. It turned out the boat went really far out, so it took us about 10 minutes to paddle over there. When we finished asking how many fish they had caught, we decided to paddle back. So we turned around and started paddling, but then a boat came by and made really big waves. We were scared that the canoe might tip, but in the end it didn't and going over the waves was quite fun. The next day we paddled out there again just for the fun of it, and it was really early so we thought no one would be out on the lake yet, but one boat passed us two times and made really big waves. But we still didn't tip:)
Great pics! Wish we were there too!