I got the results back from the Solo thing on saturday. For Matchmaker I got a 2, 1 being to highest and 5 being the lowest. And for the song I played on my Saxophone, I got a 3. But for one of the comments for me singing Matchmaker, one of the judges wrote "I hope someday you can be in the musical somewhere". For those of you that don't know, Matchmaker is from a musical called Fiddler on the Roof, and it is a really good musical.
I was really nervouse before we got to the music festival, and I didn't get time to warm up, but when I got on stage I felt more confident and just sang my heart out:)
For next years preformance, I will begin practicing now, and hopefull get a 1 next year, which includes a medal:)
yeah! great job! what a fun experience :)