Yesterday was the annual Christmas Bazaar. This year, I had to do 4 things. In the morning I had to preform for the High School Band, which went OK seeing as this was the first time we have ever preformed. Next, I had to help our school program Roots and Shoots to sell chicken nuggets and french fries. Me and a couple other students did that from 9am-1pm. Then I had one hour of free time, thank goodness. In that time I bought some earrings made of paper again, and also two homemade candles from our school. One is scented ocean and one is lavender. At around two O'clock, I went to go stand beside the stage because I didn't know when the small groups were going to preform because the schedule was all wonky. When no one was on stage doing anything, the vice principle decided to just get the small groups preforming early, and my dad volunteered to go first. We sang a song called "Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth". Kate and dad sang Little Drummer Boy and I sang Peace on Earth. It seems like everyone liked it. After that was done I stood around the stage some more because then I had to preform with my friend for the music school that we both go to. Here is the link:
Anyway, we were the last one to preform any music that day, so there were a lot of people gathered around the stage area. I was surprised that more people hadn't left yet. When we finished preforming that last song, we quickly ran around all the food booths to use up the last of our food tickets, but I ended up just buying my mom a glass of German holiday wine, which I personally think was a waste of 20 tickets. If you are wondering why I didn't have choir on this list, that is because our school doesn't have a choir, more of a trio, and if it was just high school choir there would be a duet. We are going to preform at the winter concert, but the choir supervisor thought that we shouldn't preform at the Christmas Bazaar.
Other than that, I had a very good Christmas Bazaar. Well, not exactly "Christmas" because it was so hot that most people were wearing T-shirts.