Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Tada! I got a new haircut! I got it yesterday, and it took a long time to cut. When it was done, there was a lot of hair all over the floor, and when they swept up a pile, there was a huge pile. Before, I had my hair up in a bun all the time, with one of those kerchiefs things too. Now, I just have it down cause it is not too hot. It feels really different, but I like it.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Out My Window

This is what I saw outside my bedroom window yesterday while lying on my window seat. That was the first time this year that the sky has been that colour, and it was nice and sunny too, as you can see from the sun reflecting off the window. You can also tell it was sunny by the sunburns I now have on my arms and back from swimming for 3 hours yesterday. Yesterday was, weather-wise, the first day of summer in Chengdu.