For my birthday, I got a teddy bear making kit from my sister. It contained everything that you need to make your own teddy bear. I started making it the day before yesterday after lunch (December 14th in China) and finished it December 15th before lunch. So it took me about 1 day to make it. The kit came with instructions and a pattern of how to cut out the cloth. The cloth also came with it and even the fluff. I sewed all the parts separately, like the head, body, arms, legs, and ears. Then I sewed all those together. It turned out OK for my first attempt at making a teddy bear, at least it turned out better than I thought it would;)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Chrisas Teddy Bear
For my birthday, I got a teddy bear making kit from my sister. It contained everything that you need to make your own teddy bear. I started making it the day before yesterday after lunch (December 14th in China) and finished it December 15th before lunch. So it took me about 1 day to make it. The kit came with instructions and a pattern of how to cut out the cloth. The cloth also came with it and even the fluff. I sewed all the parts separately, like the head, body, arms, legs, and ears. Then I sewed all those together. It turned out OK for my first attempt at making a teddy bear, at least it turned out better than I thought it would;)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Christmas Bazaar
Our school had a Christmas Bazaar on November 27th. Our school didn't organize it though, it was an International Women's Club that organized it and held it at our school. Even though it was their party, our school and other schools had to come up with the performances. Our school has a 12-person choir, and I am one of them. We did a couple of songs too, but we had to sing them with other schools.
We had to get there at 10am Saturday morning. I also had to bring my saxophone because a few friends and I were going to perform a song. They were going to sing and I was going to play my Sax. So we got there and had to wait in the Chinese room because the music room was being used for a silent auction. We warmed up for a while, and then we just stood around looking out the window at all of the people passing by. I think everyone was nervous, even though they wouldn't admit it. At around 10:30am, our choir teacher
told us to go stand on a blue mat outside and start singing carols. We sang 4 songs in total. "Jolly Old St.Nicolas", "Jingle Bells", "Up on the House Top", and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". We also had a guitar playing beside us, so it sounded really good. Then we got about 2 hours to walk around and look at the different booths that people had set up. There were all different types of booths. There were a lot of baked goods booths, and lot of food booths too, but there were also lots of homemade crafts and also a booth full of used books. After our 2 hours were up, me and 4 other of my friends from choir were "forced" to sing
"O Christmas tree", and right after that "Yellow Submarine". Not one of us thought that it was fun, but it was OK. Then we waited about 10 minuets, all the schools that were there got on stage to sing "A Song of Peace". That was working out good till the end, but then all of a sudden the music stopped and we had to sing the rest of the piece acapella. I could see our English teacher standing in the background laughing. Just to tell you, the whole Christmas Bazaar was outside, and most of the people just stood around and talked instead of listen to the performances. We wondered around for 1 hour and a half, and then it was time for me and my friends to perform. We quickly walked into the Chinese room the practice; I also had to put my saxophone together. When it was 2pm, we walked (very nervously) to the stage. Our music teacher hooked up the microphones and announced that we were going to sing/play. First we sang "Believe" from Polar Express. Then came the surprise. I hadn't told my parents that I was also doing 2 saxophone solos after my friends got off the stage. When they got of
f the stage, I started playing "Hedwig's Theme" from Harry Potter. Then I also played "In Dreams" from The Fellowship of the Ring. Everyone clapped and when I got off stag my parents were very pleased that I played a saxophone solo. The only sad thing as that the only people that were watching were my family, one f my friends' family, and the principle. Besides that it was all OK.After that, everyone started leaving. Overall, it was a very fun day.
We had to get there at 10am Saturday morning. I also had to bring my saxophone because a few friends and I were going to perform a song. They were going to sing and I was going to play my Sax. So we got there and had to wait in the Chinese room because the music room was being used for a silent auction. We warmed up for a while, and then we just stood around looking out the window at all of the people passing by. I think everyone was nervous, even though they wouldn't admit it. At around 10:30am, our choir teacher

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Jane Goodall at the Bookworm
Yesterday, as soon as we got to the bookworm(an English bookstore) The people in charge said we had to move to a school 3 minuet down the road because of over sold tickets. We had to wait a long time for Jane Goodall to come because she had gotten stuck in traffic . QSI, our school, preformed a song and did a skit when Jane Goodall came. After all the clapping, our science teacher gave a introduction on who Jane Goodall is and what she believes in. After that, Jane Goodall gave a very inspirational talk,she talked about the environment and how there are less and less forests for all the animals she loves and cares about, and how anyone, no matter how small or weak, could make a difference. Everyone in the crowd was staring at her, admiring how she talked, how every time she said something, you would want to go out and do it. After that, we sat around and waited to go have the buffet supper, which was vegetarian of course. There was a big line up so I didn't want to go just yet. When my friends dad came up to us and said that Jane Goodall was signing books and only three people were in line, we all ran towards the table. One of the pictures I got I asked her to sign it to Rosser, the school I was in in Canada. I asked her to sign it for them because when I was at Rosser, we went to a Me to We thing a BC place. There were a lot of speakers there, and one of them was Jane Goodall . So I thought it would be cool for them to have a picture that is signed by Jane Goodall herself. I also asked her to sign a Mr.H Junior that I bought. The real Mr.H has a really interesting story to go with him. The story was tied around Mr.H Junior's neck, so I asked her to sign that. After everyone went to the signing, the supper line got shorter, so I went to go line up. Everything was a salad. Pasta salad, fruit salad, and just plain salad. And for desert, there was carrot cake, it was really good. After everyone had finished eating, there was a question and answer session for Jane Goodall . Lots of people asked questions, which were good, and she even did a chimpanzee call for us. After that there was a raffle then everyone went home.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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